Conversational Business Intelligence: Engaging with Data through WhatsApp & ChatGPT

The next generation of Business Intelligence will be conversational. Imagine chatting with your data the same way you chat with friends on WhatsApp.

My Vision is to create a revolutionary Conversational BI Solution by leveraging the power of AI. Such that Businesses will use our MS Teams and WhatsApp bots to query their BI Systems.

This can truly disrupt the way businesses interact with their data.

The Probem (User Perspective)


Current Business Intelligence tools often fail to highlight the specific data points users need, cluttering with excessive, non-targeted information.


The attempt to display extensive data leads to increased complexity, making tools like Pivot Tables daunting for key personnel, such as CFOs.


Many reporting solutions, including popular ones like Excel and Tableau, require significant user training, hindering ease of use.

The Probem (Business Perspective)

Cost Implications

The development of reports and dashboards incurs significant costs, often necessitating the hiring of external consultants, which adds to the financial burden.

Time to Insight

The lengthy process to deploy new reports delays access to business-critical data, impacting timely decision-making and operational efficiency.

Training and Adaptability

The diverse range of reporting tools, such as Excel and Tableau, requires extensive user training, adding to the complexity and resource constraints.

The Solution

Leveraging advanced technologies like Large Language Models (LLMs), Generative AI (GenAI), and cutting-edge bot programming, we offer plug-in chatbots for MS Teams and WhatsApp, enabling seamless business data access. These chatbots are immediately operational and customizable to specific business requirements.

The Solution

Research indicates that Conversational BI will become increasingly significant in the BI ecosystem, potentially replacing many traditional dashboard and report solutions.

Market Opportunity

The advent of ChatGPT and similar LLMs has recently made Conversational BI possible in the first place.

This breakthrough paves the way for businesses to access data swiftly, a cornerstone for success.

Consequently, this innovation presents a significant business opportunity in the era of data-driven decision-making.

Business Model / SOM SAM TAM

TAM (Total Available Market)

Global BI Market 2023: Estimated at €27 billion, growing at 10% annually.

Global AI Market 2023: Projected at €200 billion, with a growth rate of 30%.

Shopify Apps Market 2023: €1,4 billion

SAM (Serviceable Available Market)

German BI Market 2023: Valued at €2 billion, increasing at a 10% yearly rate.

German AI Market 2023: Stands at €6 billion, expanding at 30% annually.

Reporting related Shopify Apps Market 2023: €50 Million

SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market)

Considering around 90,000 German enterprises with over 50 employees as potential clients, aiming for a 1% market capture (900 companies) could yield approximately €80 million annually. If these enterprises allocate 5% of their annual budgets to our AI/BI solutions, this implies a SOM of €4 million per year.

Additionally standardized Bots for Shopify will add €200k yearly

Business Model / Revenue Streams

Large Enterprises

Providing customized bots tailored to the specific needs of larger enterprises. This includes a one-time setup fee and a monthly subscription fee per user.

Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Offering standardized bots for platforms like Google Analytics and Shopify in a SaaS format. Services are available as a Freemium model to facilitate easy onboarding.

Business Model / Go to Market

Direct Sales

We engage with businesses directly through a dedicated sales team that can demonstrate the value and utility of the Conversational BI tool.


We will partner with regional and international consulting firms

Online Marketing

SMEs and Freemium users will be targeted through SEA, SEO, and social media advertising, to raise awareness and generate leads.


Deutsche Telekom AG's Engagement

Stemming from my nine-year project at Deutsche Telekom, there is notable interest in deploying a Conversational Business Intelligence bot, specifically trained on their forecasting data.

Working Proof of Concept

A Proof of Concept, leveraging Shopify and Google Analytics, has been effectively utilized by the E-Commerce Team for managing our 250k Online Shop.

Strong Interest in MS Teams Integration

Several affiliated stores have expressed keen interest in adopting a Microsoft Teams Bot, highlighting its potential utility across the retail sector.

Competitive Advantage

Rapid Prototyping

My proof of concept is not just an idea—it’s a working, fast, and reliable prototype ready to scale. This rapid prototyping ensures that our projects move quickly from concept to reality, demonstrating our commitment to innovation and efficiency.

AI-Enhanced Development

By leveraging AI tools similar to GitHub CoPilot, our development process is streamlined, significantly reducing time-to-market. This approach not only enhances our productivity but also ensures that we stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

Expansive Network

The breadth of the founder’s network spans multiple industries, providing invaluable insights and opportunities. This expansive network allows us to foster collaborations, gain diverse perspectives, and access resources that are crucial for our success.

Industry Expertise

Our team brings a wealth of knowledge from various sectors, ensuring a well-rounded and informed approach to problem-solving. This industry expertise is instrumental in navigating challenges and capitalizing on opportunities, driving our projects to success.

L`equipe c`est moi

  • Christoph Außem *1980
  • Expert in Data Engineering
  • E-Commerce Entrepreneur
  • Enterprise BI Consultant
  • Expert in Software Engineering
  • The founder has access to a vast network of potential candidates who might join the company upon securing funding.


  • Investment €2.000.000 for 30 %
  • will be spent on:
  • Team
    • 4 Sales FTEs á €90k / year
    • 3 Dev FTEs á €130k / year
  • Online Markteting SEA
    • € 150k / year
  • Office & Equipment & Travel Expenses
    • € 100k / year


For a subscription-based business model, the company is projected to become profitable by 2028, achieving a 12% return on investment by 2030, assuming a 30% stake and a 2M investment.

Get in Touch

Whats App / Phone

